contact details
Sales departments:
Address: Department for domestic market
Marsala Birjuzova street 54,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: +381 11 3282541
Tel/Fax: +381 11 3282510
Mob: +381 65 3970 300
+381 64 6684349
Add us to your Skype contacts:

For more efficient communication with Coptech doo, please state the following data in your inquiry/order:
- ● Copper tube size (outer diameter x wall thickness)
- ● Length
- ● Standard
- ● Temper designation
- ● Quantity (in meters or kilograms)
- ● Delivery condition
- ● Packaging
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Product range
- Copper tubes and pipes:
Soft copper tubes
Half-hard copper tubes
Hard copper tubes
PVC coated copper tubes
Copper pipes for LPG
Tubes for refrigeration and AC
Tubes for plumbing
Capillary tubes
Conductors, cables and wire
Enamelled copper wire
Copper bars, rods and plates
Brass and bronze bars and tubes
Copper strips and sheets
Copper, bronze, brass ingots
Trolley wire
Copper fittings (pdf)
Contact details
Other products:
Interesting facts
Tables of standards
Copper through history
Application of copper tubes
Advantages of copper tubes
Copper ore
Brass and bronze
Copper-containing minerals
Copper facts
Symbols of copper
Copper coins
The Baghdad Battery